
Open Source Herbalism - All Natural Toothpaste

This is a toothpaste blend I have used for some time that I really like and feel does a great job keeping my teeth clean and healthy.  This is important since I rarely go to the dentist; this paste keeps tartar and plaque from building up on my teeth and my gums healthy.

Want to try it yourself?  Recipe follows or you can purchase from me already made.

Lots of natural goodness for your mouth:
1/2 c. organic, extra virgin coconut oil
1/4 c. baking soda
1/4 c. bentonite clay
2 Tbspn. dried and powdered Garden Sage (about 1/2c. before powdering)
15 Clovebuds, finely ground
Optional:  8 drops peppermint essential oil

Heat coconut oil enough to be liquid, then blend in other ingredients adding the essential oil last if using it, then pour into your container while still warm.

Makes about a half pint.

4 oz. re-usable glass canning jar $7.95 plus shipping*

*If you are buying several Ravenwind Botanica products at one time, whether the same item or not, you can save substantially on shipping as I will ship it all together, please inquire and we'll get the payment set up right for you.  :)  You can click on 'Ravenwind Botanica' in the list to the right to see all products available.  Thanks for supporting my work.

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