
Divine Dandelion

Often what we need is right under our nose. 

Plants that grow in the area where we live are particularly suited to us.  
They are growing in the same environment we are growing in. 

I often think about how Dandelions grow all over in the U.S. and it is just what we, as a people, need.
It offers itself to us, growing in abundance with tenacity.
Yet, do we revere it?  
Most of us do not, either wishing it wasn't there or attempting to eradicate it
by spraying "weed" killer in an attempt to have a "golf-course lawn."

Why do we do this?  Where did we get the idea that Dandelions are unwanted?
The chemical herbicide companies taught us this.
It's time we thought for ourselves.

A weed, by definition, is an unwanted plant.  
Dandelions offer us so much; they should be on the top of our want list.

Look at this fantastic Beauty:

I love how the stamens split and end with a double curlicue.

Besides being happy, smiling sunshines dotting our yards and roadsides that later turn to playful orbs,
~ Dandelions benefit our health ~
and are one of the first plants to bloom in the Spring that provide nectar for the valuable honeybee.

Its common in this country to have our Livers taxed from an improper diet:  
too much alcohol, caffeine, fried foods, hydrogenated oils, refined foods, soft drinks, and sugar. 
Sounds like the usual American diet, eh?. 
Also, the Liver is burdened with other chemicals:  food additives, drugs (including prescription), 
and pollutants in the environment.  This leads to various health issues like 
anger, depression, headaches, stomach aches, menstrual disorders, pains, tension, and more. 

Now, what does the Dandelion do? 
It supports the Liver! - amongst other virtues.  Hmmm.... sounds like just what we need!

So, next time you see a Dandelion, reconsider it.

Roasted Dandelion Root makes a great coffee substitute or a special tea in its own right.   
Here's a recipe to make your own, or you can purchase it from Mountain Rose.

You can harvest the leaves for salads, to steam as a green, add to a stirfy or an omelette...get creative.  
It's a little bitter, but you can add just a little until you grow to like it.  
I have found you can add a little to most meals.

You can make fritters from the flowers.

It's a delight to go into your yard and harvest free food that is good for you!
Just be sure there are no pesticides or other toxins on anything you wild harvest.




And lastly, a picture of me as a child enjoying Dandelions.  I have such fond memories of playing with them.
I loved to run through the yard and scatter the seeds about
or make a wish as I was blowing them into the air.

You can see the landscaper in the making.


  1. love the little girl picture Melissa! I have fond childhood memories of dandelions, not just of scattering the seeds but I loved the smell - I can remember burying my small nose in an equally small flower, loving the fresh scent and the soft touch of the petals. thanks Sallie
